Monday, May 2, 2011

D&D Breakout Kings Session 1 & 2

Let me preface this by saying Breakout Kings is the "Unofficial" title; that I came up with having been informed of the back story of the main party; it is quiet literally the title of an A&E original series that has some similarities to the characters back story.

So, sometime last month, I joined a Dungeons and Dragons game; ran by fellow book reviewer Travizzt, and featuring the talents of Yeoden, PeteyGunn (yes the infamous one who is on the admins of Clan of The Fanboys, also well known from LordKat’s community), TrappedKitten (from youtube see end of article for all links), Lazarus Maxwell (A fellow space monkey),  Hans (No last name given), and Dartanian Richards (501st Member and friend of those in the game).  Why haven’t I posted about it? Well between my crazy life, and then the storms from Alabama….yeah that’s enough craziness read after the jump

Character Roster

DM Travizzt
Syzran Level 2 Drow Hunter – Me
Werl  Zeneth Level 2 Human Fighter – Yeoden
Raven/Sylvia Level 2 Elven Revenant Warlock (Inactive) and Adrian/Chestplate  Level 2 Goliath Barbarian – PeteyGunn
Energon Level 2 Warforged Warlord – Hans "Infernalistgamer" Watts
Varon Level 2 Human Assassin - Lazarus Maxwel
Din Level 2 Changleing Sorcerer- Majinfox
Ella Level 2 Drow Cleric – Trappedkitten
Qixoni (Q) Level 2 Shardmind Psion – Dartanian Richards
Talbot Level 2 Shifter Warden - Mastafox

So, we start out our adventure two sessions back. I was locked in a dark room not knowing where I was, or how I got there.  My character had spent up to a week in the dark fighting off various goblins when the door was opened. Nobody was announced, so I strung my bow and knocked back an arrow into Talbot’s shoulder, to which he replied “Ow Son of a ---“. We stood there for a good minute and a half arguing before Energon came running up yelling and asking what the hell was going on.  Because of her size, Syzran decided the best thing was to quiet down and let this big man take charge explaining his circumstances, to which Energon replied “Look you have two choices either join us or go on your way”. For what it’s worth, I did give half a heart beat before deciding to join up after all the goblins seemed easier with this group in tow.  We quickly ran into several lackeys who basically went poof when we hit them.  It was during this time that Syzran’s first challenge came.  At least once, one of his party mates got in the way and he narrowly missed his shot out of nervousness.  It was soon after this that I had gotten caught up and informed that my party had met much in the same way that they met me.  Except they were all in prison, without a clue of why or how they got there.  They soon lead a prison revolt, and in a strange turn of events were recruited by Makaria, the prison warden and councilwoman on the Stonehold (the city the first sessions took place in).  This was npc’d by the DM.  The character seemed aloof and flighty, but that didn’t worry me as much as Sylvia/Raven did.  She was literally begging to be able to rip goblin lackey’s limb from limb.  It was soon after this that I learned Energon was not one to be messed with; as he threw Sylvia at the wall, and told her to Check for traps. After a botched roll, and seeing nothing, I stepped up to bat with my +10 perception and clearly saw a door that wasn’t there to begin with. Afterward, we traveled down a hallway to which we were lead to Snake….yes start your Metal Gear I need Scissors 61 jokes now!  Werl, who knew him from somewhere before, decided “hey this would be a good time to bluff”.  The only information he got out of him was the mission we were all a part of seemed to be a lie.  Raziak (Resick, Resnick Trent Reznor? I don’t know!) who we had been told was a revolutionary trying to overthrow a just government might just be right in his slant of things.

It was soon after this that diplomacy fell to derpomacy and we rolled initiatives.  There were several lackey’s who were tough as hell.  It took several hits from all of us for them to go down; but it was after we knocked down Snake that things…took a turn for the squicky.  It seems Raven, who is a split personality, had a cannibalistic streak in her and decided to intimidate Snake.  When we got all the information out of him that we could he ate her fill of Snake.  This lead to the very tale end of the session where we turned on Makaria at Energons beckoning.  Well, all of us except for Raven…who seems to have some lesbian crush on Makaria…for some reason I think their kink isn’t mine! This is where we left it for that day, voting Makaria and Raven off like it was survivor.  Though truth be told, Energon wanted to kill her, and I couldn’t blame him!

The next session was done two weeks afterward. We had a hard time raising everyone.  Some because of the weather in our areas (Hans and Majin are from my area).  So we started in a dream sequence shared between Petey, Yeoden, Me, and Dart; later joined by Lazarus.  We woke up in an unknown dungeon.  Truth be told, we didn’t know who Adrian was, but he was helping us out with the goblin problem, so Syzran had no problem with it,. It wasn’t long before we found Qixoni; who let us know where he was by telepathy (he is Qixoni the Mindtaker!), to which Syzran. who has had a bad time with having his mind warped by magic, responded badly.  He strung an arrow and asked him to identify himself.  Well, after Q calmed the hell down that is.  I swear, this character reminds me more of a mix between Mentock the Mindtaker and Q from Star Trek TNG.  After we got it calmed down, and Syz finally figured out that he had no choice but to trust the strange Shardmind.  It was soon that we ran into a wizard and several Goblins and ascertained we were in the lair of Allie Kali (he eats hearts!), a young white dragon who was being worshiped as a god. It was here where Syzran shined.  He jumped out from behind a door and shot three rapid succession arrows the first hitting one of the pikemen, then another the leader of the pack, missing a short goblin piker and snapping his bowstring, but it did enough for them to be proned. (I literally cirticled 2 of the three targets.  I felt awwwwwwwwwwwwesome).  But it soon was turned on him as the leader hit him with a blast that stunned him and left him smelling of rotten eggs.  *facepalm* Ah well, I was still awesome for a good while, since the leader thought I was dangerous.  I decided to make sure he was good and dead. It took me, Varen, and Adrian (who has a talking chestplate and will not let you forget it) to kill the man; whom I think we shouldn’t have killed but in a moment of fever who can blame us? Next up, was the dragon himself, whose name right now escapes my mind.  This one was pure Q.  I mean, I helped out and so did Werl.  The one botching now was Adrian, which left us the rest of the session joking on the fact that he tried to INTEMIDATE A FUCKING DRAGON!

We left the session for a while til we got all the party back together again; this part of the session was hilarious for many reasons.  We introduced the new characters: first up was Ella, the Drow Cleric was found in a dark room half naked, why she was half naked I’m sure we’ll never know but the way she acts…it’s on purpose. Syzran isn’t sure how to take her as she is one of his race but….a lot of what he sees from her he doesn’t like which it seems is returned.  Then we met the Shardmind Qixioni by him EXPLODING into reality…. Trav, you are bat shit insane but I love you man. Then came the self proclaimed Barbarian God Adrian slicing a goblin in half for his trouble….I  swear does insanity just find us?

Me, Werl and Varon recognized Q and Adrian as the men from our dreams.  I was literally  begging Energon to leave Adrain and his shiny chestplate of doom where we met him, but he had taken the approach of “Well as soon as we get rid of them they keep popping up”', so we went straight to the city of Oirity to Syzran’s chagrin we split up, and he got stuck with Q.  Oh sure, fearless leader, just leave the man with a history of being taken over mentally with a Psion! We went to the church of Paylor to find out if there were any legends or prophecies concerning a gathering of heroes; of course we made the mistake of approaching the church without changing the shardmind into something a little less OBVIOUS…  Hindsight twenty-twenty really, as the priest we ran across had to have his mind scrambled just to get him to stop asking questions….. Not the brightest moment.

While me and Q were looking through texts, Energon and Ella were trying to find out about Reznik (again not sure how to spell his name).  What transpires is both the funniest and strangest thing ever.  Rose rolled very high Diplomacy checks and flirted information out of goblins as to the Orc’s location;  Then, the goblin fainted after she kissed his cheek.  They found out that Reznik was supposedly hiding in the west ….out of character totally wanted to be the goblin in character.  I can’t say anything because I wasn’t there.  It was soon after this that Varon, Werl, and Adrain found out that Makria and Sylvia had been seen in the area. And so they decided to intimidate the bartender into telling them the girls were in his inn.  Werl found a ripped up piece of paper that said the two were heading north.  It cut back to me and Q who found out that a prophecy involving a mad god and his underling that was pointing us to the north.  We also found out something about a magi named Orleans that might be tied in with the memory loss and something to do with Syzran’s past (I will detail Syzran’s past in a different entry) that also pointed us to the north. We met up with the party discussing what to do again, the party decided to send Varon and Werl into a mages shop where undoubtedly the most AWESOME scene of the day took place.  Varon bluffed information out of the mage with not one, not two, but THREE NAT 20’S.  He not only found out that the dragon we faced in our dream was to the north, but so was Orleans who had a bag of leaves on hold, and was given a Molotov cocktail to deal with the ice dragon that was to the north. For this Varon was given a dagger of flesh, crossbow and bolts.  Fucking Christ on a cracker this man nearly talked the man out of his family and land!
After we finally met up for the last time we decided to head north because we weren’t sure that the west wasn’t guarded.  After all, the last time we were expected.  Loaded with prophecies of mad gods, warnings of ice dragons and a bag of leaves that Syzran knew had to do with mind altering drugs, we broke the session at that point.

I am enjoying this and, in all honesty, can’t wait for the next week when we finally head north and into the belly of the beast.  I’m sorry that this was so scattered but I forgot to take notes, a lesson that I will never forget because a lot happens.

Small Edits, Varen joined halfway through the dream, The bluffs were not done to the Mage but a blacksmith, and any mention of Goblins should be Kolbolds or as we've lovingly termed them Gaybolds

A list of In Character Twitters made by my Drow Syzran
Syzran's Twitter
Out of Character Twitters and Links

Lazarus's Twitter
Dartanian Richard's Twittter
TrappedKitten's Twitter
Yeoden's Twitter
Travizzt's Twitter
PeteyGunn's Twitter
TrappedKitten's Youtube
Space Monkey Mafia Studio's where you can find me and Lazarus
Clan of The Fanboy's where Travizzt, Yeoden, Petey, and the rest of the part hang out
Dart's Startup Biz
Ella's Diary


  1. Good recap. It was definitely a fun session

  2. im a half but yeah it was a great session cant wait utill the next
